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Natrona Heights, PA 15065
724-226-0444 Phone
724-226-0744 Fax




Springtime-AllergiesAllergies occur when your body becomes overly sensitive to something in the environment that typically causes no problems for most people. An allergic reaction may occur when that “something” that you are allergic to comes into contact with your eyes. In many cases, the “something” you are allergic to is airborne, such as pollen.

There are many different medications that have proven to be effective in fighting allergies, whether its spring, summer or fall allergies. If you cannot find a medication that helps you in combating the symptoms, it may… Continue reading


Extreme-Sports-Require-ClarityFor many Americans, spring cleaning is not only a time to clean, but time to pull the fun toys out of storage. Toys such as the pair of jet skis neatly tucked away in the back of the garage or the four-wheeler that is out in the shed. While most thrill seekers take safety precautions when riding these vehicles, eye protection is often forgotten.

With all the excitement these high intensity motorsports deliver, most can’t wait to hop on and go, whether on water or through the woods. While many… Continue reading


contact lenses or glassesContacts or glasses? This is a question that often presents itself after an eye exam, especially the first eye exam that determines that you need help to see clearly. While there is no scientific answer in most cases as to which option will suite you best, there are some personal factors that may cause you to lean one way or the other.

Whether you choose to wear eyeglasses or contacts mostly depends on your personality and personal preferences. Factors such as lifestyle, comfort, budget, convenience and aesthetics should play a… Continue reading


cataractsIf you are over the age of 60 and have noticed that your vision has become blurry or cloudy, you may be suffering from cataracts. April is cataract awareness month and we want to talk about what the symptoms are and how you can treat cataracts to bring your world back into focus.

Every year, thousands of Americans will suffer vision loss associated with cataracts. Cataracts form when the protein, part of what helps to make up the lens in your eye, clump together forming what appears to be a… Continue reading


sports-eye-protection-performanceWith spring sports right around the corner, as you suit up think about eye protection. Planning ahead and having the proper eye gear when the season starts will help to keep you and your kids safe as they play a variety of sports this spring.

A Sports Safety Report by The Vision Council Academy of Ophthalmology, recommends protective eyewear for any sport, even for children who don’t wear glasses or contacts. Some states and sport organizations have requirements for shin guards but not for sports protective eyewear

Eye injuries most… Continue reading


workplace-eye-safetyEvery day more than 2,000 people suffer from eye injuries while they are at work. One in 10 injuries may result in one or more missed days of work. With these statistics, we cannot stress enough the importance of workplace eye safety.

Many people feel that their glasses are sufficient to protect against eye injuries. While they do help to prevent foreign objects from entering your eye, they are not your best form of defense. Having the proper safety goggles can help keep you from being the 10-20% of those… Continue reading


eye infections and contact lenses, Bissell Eye CareIf you are a contact lens wearer, you have more than likely noticed how far we have come in the development of contact lenses since you started using them. Perhaps you have also been guilty of ignoring the wearing and care instructions from your optometrist. In a recent study 99% of people admitted they practiced at least one bad habit with their contact lenses and that puts them at a higher risk for eye infections.

If you are like many Americans, you have become quite accustomed to your contacts and… Continue reading


Age-Related-Macular-Degeneration, Bissell Eye CareAs you age not only does your wealth of knowledge grow, but also the chances increase that you may develop Age-Related Macular Degeneration or AMD. It is important to maintain not only routine doctor appointments, but eye doctor and dental checkups as we age. Doing so may help you to have a better quality of life as you enter the golden years.

With February being national AMD awareness month we want to educate you on the signs, symptoms and treatments of AMD. Knowing not only what to look for, but… Continue reading


farsightedness in babies, Bissell Eye Care When you first hold your newborn and have counted 10 fingers and 10 toes, there is a sigh of relief that you delivered a healthy baby who will progress in development and growth. Dr. Nicole Long-Fratangelo, one of our optometrists at Bissell Eye Care’s Natrona Heights location, recently had her second child and shares her story with new parents.

In her own words…..

Everything was perfect. Alessio was born a healthy, beautiful baby boy. He was gaining weight and thriving. It was an exciting time for our family, we… Continue reading


Glaucoma, Bissell Eye CareA new year is a time for a new beginnings, resolutions and making a fresh start. The top resolutions on the list typically are to lose weight and take better care of your health. As we turn the page on another calendar year and move into 2017, make sure taking care of your eyes is on the list.

January is National Glaucoma awareness month. Learn the effects of this disease, how early detection can prevent permanent vision loss and what treatment options are available should you be diagnosed with Glaucoma.… Continue reading