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dry eyes

What Causes Dry Eyes in Winter?

Winter creates a unique set of challenges for your eyes that make them feel drier.  The season brings about environmental changes and lifestyle factors that occur during the colder months, often leading to dry eyes in winter. Here’s why:

Dry Indoor Air: As temperatures drop, we rely on heating systems to stay warm. However, heated air often lacks humidity, drying out the natural moisture in your eyes.

Cold, Windy Conditions: When you’re outside, cold winds can strip moisture from your eyes, exacerbating dryness and irritation.

Reduced Blink Rate: During… Continue reading

Why Women are at Higher Risk for Eye Disease

April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month. Women are often responsible for making their family’s health care decisions yet sometimes neglect caring for themselves. According to the World Health Organization’s World Report on Vision, women, on average, live longer than men, and are thus at greater risk of developing eye conditions associated with aging. Global estimates suggest that women with moderate and severe presenting distance vision impairment outnumber men by approximately 7 percent.

The National Eye Institute Dry Eye Fact Sheet states, “Dry eye is more common… Continue reading

The Dangers of Dry Eyes

When it comes to our vision, dry eyes may not seem like something we need to worry much about. However, the reality is that dry eyes can pose damage on our vision. Despite being very common, not everyone knows how to prevent or the most effective treatment of dry eyes.

Dry eye is classified as when a person does not have enough tears to properly lubricate and nourish their eyes. Quality tears are essential to maintaining the health of the front of the eye, as well as for maintaining clear… Continue reading

Dry Eyes

Our bodies produce tears to keep our eyes lubricated, and to help remove any foreign bodies. But when the body doesn’t produce enough tears or tear drainage is affected, the result is dry eyes. Dry eyes can be troublesome and irritating. Thankfully, this condition can usually be treated quickly and effectively.

Tears are a mixture of oils, water, mucus, antibodies, and protein that form to keep your eyes comfortable.  Watery eyes are characterized by an excess of tears, which can give the eyes a glassy look, and may result… Continue reading


Watery eyesIt was a long hard winter, but the cold winter months have passed and we are in the midst of a stellar allergy season. You look outside and everything is covered in a yellow film causing itchy, red, or even burning sensations in your eyes. Allergy suffers, you aren’t alone in your symptoms. Did you know that the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology estimates that 50 million people in the United States have seasonal allergies? This affects approximately 30% of adults and 40% of children.

Because the symptoms… Continue reading


Do your eyes hurt after a day at the office?

Think about all the screens you use every day – desktop, laptop, tablets, ipads, and smart phones.  “Digital Eye Strain” is the level of eye discomfort that occurs for many users.

Symptoms included are dry eyes, blurry vision, fatigue and neck and shoulder cramping. In a recent survey released by the Vision Council, a trade group for makers of eye care products, warned of serious long-term eye risk, including macular degeneration and cataracts.

Because of intense staring,… Continue reading