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eye protection

Spooky Season Safety: How to Protect Your Vision This Halloween

Halloween is a time for fun costumes, creative decorations, and plenty of spooky adventures. But while you’re planning your costume and gearing up for trick-or-treating, it’s important to remember that certain elements of Halloween fun can pose risks to your vision. The doctors at Bissell Eye Care want to help you enjoy the holiday while staying safe. Let’s talk about how to protect your eyes from costume-related hazards, including masks, trip hazards, and non-prescription decorative contacts.

Masks and Obstructed Vision

Wearing a mask is a quick way to transform into… Continue reading


Spring brings with it the urge to throw open the windows, let in the fresh air, and tackle those long-neglected chores. Spring cleaning isn’t just about tidying up our living spaces; it’s also an opportunity to refresh and revitalize our outdoor surroundings. From decluttering closets to scrubbing floors and clearing winter debris from flowerbeds, we throw ourselves into tasks with gusto. But amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to overlook the importance of eye safety.

The Hazards of Cleaning Chemicals

Many household cleaning products contain chemicals that can be… Continue reading

From Backpacks to Blue Light: Tips on Preserving Eye Health in the Back-to-School Hustle

The excitement of going back to school is often accompanied by a flurry of preparations, from shopping for school supplies to adjusting to new routines. However, in our increasingly digital world, another aspect that parents need to be mindful of is the potential for eye strain and blue technology overload in children. 

Do you find yourself spending more time in front of your computer? Working from home, remote learning for your kids, texting, social media, TV – we never seem to be able to take a break from technology.… Continue reading

Eye Injury Prevention Month: How Can You Stay Safe?

October is Eye Injury Prevention Month. You can experience serious eye injuries while at home, at work, or at play. According to experts, more than 90 percent of eye injuries could be prevented with the use of protective eyewear and some simple precautions.

At Home: When to Use Eye Protection

Closing your pool? Cleaning the house in anticipation of the holidays? Eye injuries due to cleaning chemicals account for over 125,000 eye injuries each year. Eye injuries are also commonly caused during home improvement and yard work. Despite these… Continue reading

Kick Off Spring Sports

Spring sports are making their way into homes across the region and families are gearing up. Whatever sport your child enjoys, it’s important that his or her eyes are protected appropriately. Did you know according to the American Optometric Association, sports related injuries are the leading cause of school-age children’s eye injuries? Approximately 40,000 sports-related eye injuries are severe enough to require emergency room care in the United States every year, according to Prevent Blindness America. Experts say that 90% of these injuries could be prevented with protective eyeglasses.

NOW…the… Continue reading



Gardener strimming and strimmer

It’s grass mowing, yard cleanup time of year. The leaves are out, flower beds are starting to show their color and you’re getting ready for summer entertaining. It’s important to be proactive about eye protection as you mow, trim, use weed whackers and hedge trimmers. The speed involved while using machinery can cause the unpredictable trajectory of clippings and debris.

While many people routinely don gardening gloves, sun hats, and mud boots, the eyes are often left exposed to everything from prickly branches to flinging… Continue reading


man working on underside of car wearing safety glassesOctober is Eye Injury Prevention Month. Did you know that nearly 2.5 million people suffer eye injuries each year in the United States, and nearly one million people have lost some degree of vision as a result of their injury? Most injuries could have been prevented with protective eyewear.

Could your job land you in the doctor’s office or the ER with an eye injury? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 20,000 workplace eye injuries happen each year. Injuries on the job often require one or… Continue reading


As we roll into summer, sunscreen and sunglasses are a winning combination. Sunglasses are an easy solution that makes life more comfortable when outdoors, while also providing critical protection from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays. But…all sunglasses don’t provide the protection you need to protect your eyes.

Long-term exposure to UV rays can damage the eye’s surface as well as its internal structures. This damage can sometimes lead to eye conditions such as cataracts (clouding of the lens) and macular degeneration (breakdown of the macula).

Did you know that… Continue reading


Mother and children skiing in the mountains. Active mom and three kids with safety helmet, goggles and poles. Ski lesson for young children. Winter sport and snow fun for family. Child learning to ski

If you live in the Northeast, then you are well aware that this year is off to a blistering start. Erie has been buried in blizzard conditions with multiple feet of snow. Pittsburgh is shivering in the deep freeze. With December having temperatures near zero and wind chills below zero, many people find it a struggle… Continue reading


With the solar eclipse fast approaching, we see many news articles and TV interviews about the dangers of looking directly at the eclipse. As a child growing up, your parents more than likely than not told you to never look directly into the sun. Something that you probably ignored and still tried, just to be left seeing spots. On August 21, 2017, the United States will experience a solar eclipse and if you try to look at it, this too can leave you seeing spots; or in some cases, damage… Continue reading