Eye Injuries
Fireworks Safety and Backyard Celebrations
We are starting to see displays of fireworks in local retail stores. Families are beginning to plan for Fourth of July celebrations. While these shows bring joy and excitement, it’s important to remember that fireworks can pose a risk to our eyes. In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of fireworks safety, the dangers of sparklers for young children, and practical tips to protect your eyes during celebrations.
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology “Fireworks caused 11 deaths and 10,200 injuries in 2022, according to the U.S. Consumer Product… Continue reading
Spring brings with it the urge to throw open the windows, let in the fresh air, and tackle those long-neglected chores. Spring cleaning isn’t just about tidying up our living spaces; it’s also an opportunity to refresh and revitalize our outdoor surroundings. From decluttering closets to scrubbing floors and clearing winter debris from flowerbeds, we throw ourselves into tasks with gusto. But amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to overlook the importance of eye safety.
The Hazards of Cleaning Chemicals
Many household cleaning products contain chemicals that can be… Continue reading
Clear Sight, Better Game: Why Active Eyewear is a Must-Have in Sports
Participating in sports is a fantastic way to stay fit, improve coordination, and boost overall well-being. However, many sports come with inherent risks, and one aspect often overlooked is the protection of our most vital sensory organ: the eyes. Sports-related eye injuries are more common than you might think, but with proper awareness and the use of active eyewear, you can enjoy your favorite activities while safeguarding your vision.
The Prevalence of Sports-Related Eye Injuries
University of Illinois College of Medicine states, “Sports and recreational activities cause more than 40,000… Continue reading
Spring Cleanup and Eye Injuries
The trees are budding, the flowers are starting to bloom, and outdoor work is in full swing. Spring cleanup can involve a lot of physical work and exposure to potentially hazardous materials and tools. These activities can lead to an increased risk of eye injuries.
Yard work: Cleaning up the yard often involves using sharp tools such as pruning shears, hedge trimmers, and chainsaws. Debris such as branches, twigs, and rocks can fly up and hit the eyes, causing injury. Wear safety glasses… Continue reading
Safety Tips for 4th of July Fireworks Celebrations
The freedom we enjoy every day is something not to be taken lightly. We’d like to take a moment and recognize our service men and women as well as their families for the sacrifices they make to protect our freedom.
Summer is synonymous with barbecues, parades, and fireworks. As we celebrate the 4th of July, families are planning their picnics, vacations and fireworks celebrations. Did you know on average 9,000 injuries a year result from fireworks with 1 in 8 of those injuries being eye injuries according to the fireworks… Continue reading
Seeing Clearly on Halloween: Tips to Keep You and Your Family Safe
With Halloween on the horizon, many parents may be concerned about their children’s safety and all that candy. But it is also important to remember to continue to take care of your eyes at this time of year!
Masks and Costumes
While costumes are fun, they can also present some potential problems. In particular, it is important to consider if you and your children can see clearly through a costume mask. Eye injuries due to costume masks are common this time of year, as masks often obscure our peripheral vision.… Continue reading
Eye Injury Prevention Month: How Can You Stay Safe?
October is Eye Injury Prevention Month. You can experience serious eye injuries while at home, at work, or at play. According to experts, more than 90 percent of eye injuries could be prevented with the use of protective eyewear and some simple precautions.
At Home: When to Use Eye Protection
Closing your pool? Cleaning the house in anticipation of the holidays? Eye injuries due to cleaning chemicals account for over 125,000 eye injuries each year. Eye injuries are also commonly caused during home improvement and yard work. Despite these… Continue reading
Kick Off Spring Sports
Spring sports are making their way into homes across the region and families are gearing up. Whatever sport your child enjoys, it’s important that his or her eyes are protected appropriately. Did you know according to the American Optometric Association, sports related injuries are the leading cause of school-age children’s eye injuries? Approximately 40,000 sports-related eye injuries are severe enough to require emergency room care in the United States every year, according to Prevent Blindness America. Experts say that 90% of these injuries could be prevented with protective eyeglasses.
NOW…the… Continue reading
Fireworks Eye Safety
With the changes in outdoor gatherings this year, many large fireworks displays have been cancelled. So that leaves families bringing the fireworks celebrations closer to home releasing fireworks in their own backyards. Each year, thousands of people are injured by fireworks in June and July and almost half of those injured are children and teenagers. Over a thousand of those are eye injuries.
There are certain precautions you can take to prevent eye injury or at least decrease the risk. Even when using sparklers, make sure that… Continue reading
Eye injuries are the leading cause of blindness in children and most eye injuries among kids aged 11-14 occur while playing sports. Among the sports with high rates of eye injuries: basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, and cycling. Youth sports leagues don’t always require players to use protective eyewear, but as parents, we can take a stand to protect our children.
Children’s sports eye injuries can range from abrasions of the cornea and bruises of the lid to internal eye injuries, such as retinal detachments and internal bleeding. Such injuries often… Continue reading