Causes of Eye Floaters
Ever have a spot or line appear in your field of vision? Eye floaters are a common term for this. Most of the time, when you gaze at something bright, such as a white screen or the sky, these floaters will appear in your range of vision. When you glance around, you may see these areas, which have the appearance of floating. One or both eyes may have eye floaters.
The retina, the inner, light-sensitive layer of the eye, really sees floaters as shadows, even though they may appear to be in front of the eye. Floaters can resemble dots, threads, or cobwebs, among other things. When you try to look at floaters, they could dart away. The floaters move with the eyes because they are inside the eye.
Strands, deposits, or liquid pockets that form on the vitreous humor, or the back of the eye, are what give rise to floating objects. This area of the eye is where light traveling to the retina passes. It takes up the rear two-thirds of the eye and resembles jelly.
These strands, deposits, or liquid pockets that block light cause the surface of the retina to cast a tiny shadow, which is what is perceived as floaters. Usually, they are either gray or black in hue. These shadows provide the impression of moving up, down, left, and right as the eye moves. Patients frequently report seeing a dot or spot hovering in their range of vision because of this.
Risk Elements for Flashes and Floaters
According to Stanford Medicine certain factors make it more likely to develop floaters and flashes: being nearsighted (myopia), undergoing cataract surgery, developing eye inflammation (uveitis), getting YAG laser surgery, injuring your eye.
Most people over the age of 70 suffer from some kind of floater, and about 50% of those over the age of 60 have them as well. Many people initially notice them, but within a few months they may discover that they are less obvious as the brain and eye start to ignore them or become used to their being there.
If you notice a flurry of floaters and spots, especially if they come with light flashes, seek emergency medical attention from an eye care specialist.
Maintain your regular checkups with the doctors at Bissell Eye Care, and let us know if you detect any visual changes like floaters. Grab your sunglasses, go outside, and enjoy the summer!
About Bissell Eye Care: John D. Bissell, OD owns and operates Bissell Eye Care servicing Northern Pittsburgh and Alle-Kiski Valley regions. With two locations to treat patients, we offer evening and Saturday appointments. Bissell Eye Care provides comprehensive eye examinations for the entire family beginning as early as 6 months, ocular disease detection and treatment, eyeglasses, sunglasses, activewear, contact lenses, and low vision examinations for those with significant vision loss. We accept most types of vision and health insurance plans. For more Information, visit or call our Bakerstown Office at 724-443-6767 or Natrona Heights office at 724-226-0444.