Visit our 2 convenient locations!

5900 Heckert Rd.
P.O. Box 324
Bakerstown, PA 15007
724-443-6767 Phone
724-443-6730 Fax

4001 Freeport Rd.
Natrona Heights, PA 15065
724-226-0444 Phone
724-226-0744 Fax


Up Your Game to Better Eye Health

No matter what age you are, taking care of your eyes should in your game plan for optimal health.  Often patients take their eyesight for granted until they begin having problems with their vision.  Keeping up with annual checkups is as important as your annual physical.

When day-to-day activities become challenging, that will trigger a call for an eye appointment.  Having good vision and healthy eyes may determine your ability to remain independent and self-sufficient.  Here are some tips to maintain optimal eye health.


As part of your healthy diet, choose foods rich in antioxidants, like Vitamins A and C; foods like leafy, green vegetables, and fish.  Many foods – especially fatty fish such as salmon – contain essential omega-3 fatty acids that are important to the health of the macula, the part of the eye responsible for central vision.  As the gardening season gets underway, be sure those green vegetables are part of your crop.  High-fat diets can also cause deposits that constrict blood flow in the arteries. The eyes are especially sensitive to this, given the small size of the blood vessels that feed them.


Not only is exercise good for the body, but the increased blood circulation improves the oxygen level to the eyes.


A good night’s sleep allows your eyes to replenish the supply of natural tears.  Go too long without enough sleep, and you might start getting twitchy eyelids, eye strain, or dry eye.


Smoking increases the risk of eye diseases such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.  Tobacco smoke worsens dry eye.


Maintaining good hygiene practices will help to prevent eye infection.  Always remove makeup before going to bed.    Bacteria will form from your eyelashes and requires daily eyelid hygiene. Like brushing your teeth, your eyelids need daily care.  Hot compresses help keep tear-producing glands working at top efficiency.


Exposure to ultraviolet UV light raises the risk of eye diseases, including cataracts, fleshy growths on the eye, and cancer.


Digital devices have become appendages – TV, computer, tablets, ipads, and smartphones.  Between work and personal use, we can’t get away from technology.  These devices are exposing your eyes to high energy blue light. It’s called blue light because the wavelengths emitted are near the bluer part of the spectrum.  To avoid digital eye strain, take a break every 20 minutes, blink often, keep your computer screen within 20-24 inches of your eye, and adjust the lighting to minimize glare.

The good news is most vision loss is preventable. During a comprehensive eye exam at Bissell Eye Care, dilation and our state-of-the-art technology allow us to look at the overall health of your eyes.    During these exams, we may discover conditions that affect your eyes.   In addition, an underlying medical condition in your overall general health could be uncovered.  This will ultimately help your primary care provider enhance your overall health and wellness program.

Be proactive, stay healthy, and protect your eyesight with annual eye exams.  Make Eye Appointments A Priority – call our office at 724-444-6767 or 724-226-0444 to schedule your eye exam today!

About Bissell Eye Care: John D. Bissell, OD owns and operates Bissell Eye Care servicing Northern Pittsburgh and Alle-Kiski Valley regions. With two locations to treat patients, we offer evening and Saturday appointments. Bissell Eye Care provides comprehensive eye examinations for the entire family beginning as early as 6 months, ocular disease detection and treatment, eyeglasses, sunglasses, activewear, contact lenses, and low vision examinations for those with significant vision loss. We accept most types of vision and health insurance plans. For more information, visit or call our Bakerstown Office at 724-443-6767 or Natrona Heights office at 724-226-0444.