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safety glasses

Eyes on Safety: A Comprehensive Look at Safety Glasses and Their Uses

October is National Eye Safety Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of eye health and safety. Safety glasses are an essential piece of personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to protect the eyes from potential hazards in various environments. They are crucial for maintaining eye safety in workplaces, laboratories, construction sites, and even during recreational activities. There are different types of safety glasses available, each catering to specific needs and potential risks.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “There were 18,510 eye-related injury or illness… Continue reading

October Is Eye Injury Prevention Month

Skilled carpenter cutting a piece of wood in his woodwork workshop, using a circular saw, and wearing safety googles and earmuffs, with other machinery in the background

October is Eye Injury Prevention Month. Did you know that nearly 2.5 million people suffer eye injuries each year in the United States, and nearly one million people have lost some degree of vision as a result of their injury? Do you always wear protective eyewear when performing home repairs or maintenance?

According to the fifth-annual Eye Injury Snapshot conducted by the American… Continue reading



Gardener strimming and strimmer

It’s grass mowing, yard cleanup time of year. The leaves are out, flower beds are starting to show their color and you’re getting ready for summer entertaining. It’s important to be proactive about eye protection as you mow, trim, use weed whackers and hedge trimmers. The speed involved while using machinery can cause the unpredictable trajectory of clippings and debris.

While many people routinely don gardening gloves, sun hats, and mud boots, the eyes are often left exposed to everything from prickly branches to flinging… Continue reading


man working on underside of car wearing safety glassesOctober is Eye Injury Prevention Month. Did you know that nearly 2.5 million people suffer eye injuries each year in the United States, and nearly one million people have lost some degree of vision as a result of their injury? Most injuries could have been prevented with protective eyewear.

Could your job land you in the doctor’s office or the ER with an eye injury? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 20,000 workplace eye injuries happen each year. Injuries on the job often require one or… Continue reading


As you head out the door this summer, whether it is to go mountain biking or to the lake to go fishing, having the right type of eye protection or activewear is essential. Eye protection can vary greatly in design and function depending on what type of activities you are to take part in. One of the most important factors to take into consideration when choosing eye protection is if it needs to be designed to protect against impact, the sun, or possibly both.

Eye protection has a large range… Continue reading


Portrait Of Auto Mechanic Working Underneath Car In Garage

October is eye injury prevention month. Could your job land you in the doctor’s office or the ER with an eye injury? With over 1,000 work-related eye injuries a day, it is fair to say that there are many professions in which workers can put their health and safety at risk.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that nearly three out of every five workers injured were not wearing eye protection at the time of an accident. While you may… Continue reading