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healthy aging

Embracing Healthy Aging – Tips for a Vibrant Life

September is Healthy Aging Month, a time to celebrate the wisdom and experience that come with getting older while also focusing on maintaining good health and vitality. Aging is a natural part of life, and with the right approach, you can age gracefully and enjoy a high quality of life well into your golden years.

From the Greatest Generation (those now over 93), the Silent Generation (those between 75 and 92), and Baby Boomers (56 to 74) to Gen-Xers (40 to 55),… Continue reading


September is a perfect time to celebrate Healthy Aging Month. As summer winds down fall activities and upcoming holidays are top of mind. We often get so caught up with our daily routine that we forget to take care of ourselves. This month reminds us of the importance of following a healthy lifestyle to ensure we age comfortably.

Healthy aging refers to the continuous process of making lifestyle improvements that keep a person physically and mentally sharp, throughout life. The choices you make today may affect the quality of your… Continue reading


Fresh-Vegetables-and-Eye-HealthWith spring quickly turning to summer, the annual duties of weeding and watering the gardening have started.  For many people this also means a change in their diet as fresh vegetables are more readily available, and free!  A proper diet is not only good for your overall health, but can help to keep your eyes healthy and sharp well into the future.

While there are foods that you should eat that you cannot grow in a garden, there are several vegetables that you can grow that are good… Continue reading


Have you turned around twice and ten years have passed?  Are the kids grown and out of the house when it feels like just yesterday that they were born?  It happens all too fast that the time seems to just slip away.  As we age it becomes more important than ever to take care of yourself because the quality of our lives later on will depend on what we do today.

With age often comes wisdom.  What does this mean though?  Aging wisely is taking… Continue reading