Fireworks safety
Fireworks Safety and Backyard Celebrations
We are starting to see displays of fireworks in local retail stores. Families are beginning to plan for Fourth of July celebrations. While these shows bring joy and excitement, it’s important to remember that fireworks can pose a risk to our eyes. In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of fireworks safety, the dangers of sparklers for young children, and practical tips to protect your eyes during celebrations.
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology “Fireworks caused 11 deaths and 10,200 injuries in 2022, according to the U.S. Consumer Product… Continue reading
As the beginning of July approaches, many families will find themselves on vacation, at a neighborhood party or family get together celebrating our country’s freedom. Often a staple of the back yard barbeques, parades, family gathering and other events are sparklers, fireworks, and other colorful explosions that light up the night. It is also a time that many individuals find themselves taking a trip to the E.R. or doctor’s office with an eye injury resulting from improper handling of… Continue reading