pink eye
Pink Eye 101: Causes, Types, and Seasonal Triggers
As another season of cold and flu ramps up, another unwelcome visitor often tags along—pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis. Pink eye is a common condition, particularly during colder months, when respiratory illnesses are more prevalent. Let’s take a closer look at what causes pink eye during this time, the different types of conjunctivitis, and how to protect your eyes.
Why Does Cold and Flu Season Lead to More Cases of Pink Eye?
The cold and flu season creates the perfect environment for the spread of viruses and bacteria, which… Continue reading
Buds, Blooms and Allergies
Trees are blooming and the green is popping out on the hillside. Have your eyes started to water? Do you feel your nose starting to get stuffed up again? It’s that time of the year, the time when the weather gets warmer, you want to get outside and all the plants and trees start to bloom. As spring approaches learn how to help prevent symptoms and avoid eye infections.
If you typically suffer through the flowering of spring, experts say you should be taking precautions now to stay healthy and… Continue reading
Prepare for Flu Season and Conjunctivitis
The 2019 – 2020 flu season is in full swing with the flu and conjunctivitis often going hand in hand. Experts are predicting epidemic levels of cold and flu will continue during peak flu season. It seems like everywhere you turn, someone is sick. For those individuals who received a flu shot your symptoms may not be quite as severe. Nonetheless, proper handwashing can be the key to not spreading those nasty germs.
When we think of the flu, things such as body aches, fever, and… Continue reading