eye surgery
Just as you may have a team of doctors managing a heart or diabetic condition, so too can you have a team of eye care professionals managing your eye care. Co-management is the process of eye care professionals working as a team to provide a patient’s care. In most cases, this occurs when an optometrist such as the doctors at Bissell Eye Care provide the initial evaluation and care after the surgery with an ophthalmologist performing the surgical procedure. Often the optometrist has been the patient’s trusted eye… Continue reading
Perhaps now is the time to look into laser eye surgery. While it is not a perfect solution 100% of the time it is pretty close and continues to get safer and more accurate as technology improves. Next time you have your annual eye exam ask about the benefits of laser eye surgery and how it could help to improve the quality of your life.
When a patient decides that they may want to look into laser surgery one of the first questions I receive is, “is it safe”… Continue reading