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Dr. John Bissell, Sports Eye Safety Glasses

Eye Protection – The Smart Way to Play!

Spring is a time to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Many times this means getting involved in spring sports.  As you grab your lacrosse gear, you baseball bat or other sports gear, remember that it is also important to grab your eye protection!

With about 90% of sport related eye injuries being preventable, it is time to take action. Making sure that you have the proper eye protection is key to keeping your eyes safe from foreign objects entering the eye. Having proper eye protection can help to save your vision and prevent unplanned trips to the doctor or emergency room saving you both time and money.

Many people do not want to spend the money on eye protection or may not feel that it is fashionable. Think about the alternatives. Wearing eye protection can cost as little as $40-50 and can save thousands of dollars in an emergency room visit, not to mention help to avoid permanent damage. As safety becomes more and more important in sports, many eye wear companies are finding ways to make safety glasses fashionable and trendy. These safety glasses come in different styles and colors allowing you the ability to pick something that fits your taste.

For people who have prescription glasses, did you know that you can get the eye protection with your prescription allowing you to see as clearly as if you were wearing your normal eye wear? Eye protection is made with materials that are designed not to break or shatter. Normal eye wear is not designed to withstand the impact of a baseball or other type of object and may cause more harm than good in certain situations.

If you do find that you or one of your kids has had an accident and is suffering from a black eye, vision problems, or pain be sure to contact an eye doctor immediately. Quick response could help to reduce the long term effects of a serious injury of the eye. Have a safe spring and get out there and enjoy the outdoors!

About the author: John D. Bissell, owner of Bissell Eye Care and Tri-State Low Vision Services, offers comprehensive eye examinations for the entire family, ocular disease detection and treatment, eye glasses, sun glasses, active wear, contact lenses, and low vision examinations for those with significant vision loss. He has undergone specialized training for treatment of low vision by the International Academy of Low Vision Specialists utilizing customized telescopic eyeglasses, prisms and telescopic implants for patients who qualify. The practice accepts most types of vision and health insurance plans.