Are you ready for new technology and wearable headgear? Google Glass is a wearable computer with an optical head mounted display paving the wave of the future. Technology is ever evolving and Bissell Eye Care is now an approved vendor for Google Glass. You may have noticed the photo on our Facebook Page. We wanted to weigh in on your thoughts about technology.
The new technology isn’t available on all frame types. In a partnership with eyewear company Luxottica, Google provides four prescription frame choices for about $225.00 U.S.
Voice controlled, there are seven things you can do with Google Glass:
- Take a picture
- Record a video
- Get Directions
- Send a Message
- Make a call
- Visit Google + and Hangouts
The technology and eyewear will continue to evolve, but one thing is for certain, do not drive while wearing these glasses. To learn more about what Google Glass can do and to ‘see’ sample images, click here.
About the author: John D. Bissell, owner of Bissell Eye Care and Tri-State Low Vision Services, offers comprehensive eye examinations for the entire family, ocular disease detection and treatment, eye glasses, sun glasses, active wear, contact lenses, and low vision examinations for those with significant vision loss. He has undergone specialized training for treatment of low vision by the International Academy of Low Vision Specialists utilizing customized telescopic eyeglasses, prisms and telescopic implants for patients who qualify. The practice accepts most types of vision and health insurance plans.